4 Days in London

A concert, two exhibitions, and two major design talks. Not bad going for an extended weekend!

Pentagram talk, last night:



Wieden & Kennedy talk, Monday night:

Wieden and Kennedy


Pentagram from left to right: Left to right: Domenic Lippa, Lorenzo Apicella, Justus Oehler, DJ Stout, Daniel Weil, Michael Bierut, William Russell, Lisa Strausfeld and Abbott Miller. Review of the talk by Ben Terrett over at the Creative Review blog

I will write a bit about the talks, but taking the first flight of the day from Heathrow kind of takes it out of you – so it will have to wait!

[update, 10th June 2007]

I was wary of taking out my notebook during the WK talk, so I recorded less. It was certainly no less interesting!

“unless you are willing to get lost, you won’t show up anywhere new” -Dan Wieden

on the way home from the WK talk, at Bank/Monument Station: “We have just been informed that we have no idea where the next westbound Central Line train is” (luckily, I had no plans to use the central line)


“Design is a generalist activity – we are not specialists” – JD Weil

“If you only go in a straight line, you are finished” Alan Livingston, the moderator

“They do things we understand but cannot do, and vice versa” on the interdisciplinery range of partners.

“It’s not quite as confusing as falling in love… but on a professional level, it’s close” Micheal Beirut, on picking new parters to join the firm

Many more interesting things were said, but I tried to listen more than write.

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